President's Page
PHWC Corporate Policy
Panorama Hills Water Company (PHWC) provides safe, reliable drinking water to the residents of the community it serves. The homeowners who live in the community are shareholders in PHWC by virtue of having a water right; those who own land in the community and have a water right are also shareholders. Through its business practices, PHWC will protect the interests of the Shareholders for the better good of the community.
PHWC will work closely with land developers and home builders as needed to ensure proper procedures are followed concerning infrastructure buildout and connections to building lots. Home building permits are only issued by Bonneville County when a “will serve” letter has been issued by PHWC. In turn, PHWC only issues a “will serve” letter when the appropriate hookup fee has been paid. A water right can be acquired for a building lot by paying the appropriate fee, even if the intent is to build sometime in the future. There are a limited number of water rights available for the community, and those are only available for specified areas and lots.
PHWC does not work in concert with land developers or home builders for the purpose of guaranteeing certain privilege or rights that could cause potential harm or disservice to the Shareholders. The company does not show favoritism to any developer, supplier or other entity seeking to acquire an advantage in any relationship with the company. PHWC does not invest in or participate in activities or projects that are not part of its direct responsibility to the Shareholder as a provider of water.
PHWC does not enter into any verbal agreements, or any agreement affecting Shareholders without a formally signed document outlining the intent, purpose or expected result of the agreement. In some cases, it may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to solicit Shareholder input or vote before entering into an agreement.