Let's Conserve Our Water!

“Take care of the land, and the land will take care of you”
                               Hugh Hammond Bennett

The drought in the southwestern region of our country we hear so much about extends, to a lesser degree, to our area. We are however, in a drought, nonetheless.

In the interest of saving our valuable water resources, why don't we challenge ourselves to think about our personal use of water? Idaho does impose limitations on how much water can be used for lawns/landscaping based on water source and other factors such as water rights.   In our community, we are restricted to one-half acre of landscaping that requires irrigation.

In time, we will provide information pertaining to water conservation in our area. Of particular interest would be native plants that thrive in our climate and don't require as much water as non-native species.

If you have some thoughts or tips that would help conserve our water, drop us a note at phwcboard@gmail.com.

Save the Sage!
